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The "JUST" Series.

Self-Portrait Photography Project

The "Just" series chronicles my personal growth, with the term "Just" embodying the idea of acting according to what is morally correct and fair. I've linked this concept with different stages of my life to illustrate my journey. During my teenage years, I described this phase as "Just Pink," reflecting the sensitivity and emotional intensity characteristic of that time. Moving into my 20s, I transitioned to "Just Me," signifying a shift in my self-perception. Although I remain sensitive to others' opinions, the key difference now is that I've developed a stronger sense of self. Unlike in my teenage years, I've cultivated a clearer, more assertive ego that defines who I am.

This project mainly used light, shadow, and mirrors. I thought there was nothing more suitable to show my inner self than light and shadow. The shadow expressed my self-esteem and the gaze that always followed me. I also expressed myself confused. I expressed the natural process of looking at and accepting my natural self through the mirror. I also expressed that my eyes in the water bottle are no longer tied to the gaze. All the pictures were taken with a camera, and shutter speed and sensitivity aperture were taken by changing them from time to time. It's a work that I thought importantly about the objects and eyes I use and the things I wanted to express.

I want to be just like myself, not anyone else, to my past teenager and my future where I will spend more days in the future. Just me

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