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TSPTR "Home Grown" ZINE

"HOMEGROWN" X Korean Traditional Culture 

This collaboration between TSPTR and Korean traditional culture aims to address the tendency in our fast-paced world to forget the past. It acknowledges that despite rapid change, there remains an unconscious nostalgia for the past, which is a fundamental aspect of human experience. Drawing from the Eastern literary creation methodology of 'law creation', which involves creating new things by imitating the old, the collaboration seeks to convey the message that while the past serves as a foundation, it is also necessary to adapt and innovate while preserving its essence. The zine produced for this collaboration embodies this theme, emphasizing the importance of connecting traditional roots with contemporary industrial products or objects. It highlights the value of maintaining a balance between embracing change and preserving the preciousness of the past in the face of rapid societal transformation.

Project Big Idea

You have to build on the old, but you know how to change it,

and you have to make it new, but you don’t lose the basics.

This project seeks to highlight the significance of preserving the essence of the past amidst the rapidly evolving landscape of

modern Korean society. I inherently harbor a nostalgia for the past, a sentiment that deeply shapes my life. Inspired by the Eastern literary creation technique known as 'law creation', our project embraces the idea of emulating the past to forge something novel. Moreover, it emphasizes the importance of marrying tradition with modernity, thereby safeguarding the worth of our Korean heritage while seamlessly integrating it with contemporary industrial elements. Through this approach, my aim is to delicately merge the past and present of Korea, thereby generating fresh value.

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