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Our initiative revolves around the notion that one's sense of style mirrors not only their culture but also their identity. Culture, shaped by factors like generation, gender, and personal experience, manifests in various ways. By utilizing Sims in the metaverse, we aim to explore our concept uniquely, highlighting our daily influences. This enables us to immerse ourselves directly in the virtual realm, effectively condensing the physical world. Each participant will present their cultural and identity perspective, influenced by individual experiences.

During the GRWM (Get Ready with Me) sessions, Sims characters exhibit fashion styles reflecting participants' "Fashion Obsession." Through outfits, makeup, and nails, we illustrate how personal interests can shape cultural and societal constructs. The convergence of characters post-GRWM showcases interactions, emphasizing the embrace and respect of diverse identities within society. This artistic endeavor presents a society valuing cultural contributions as a unified entity. Ultimately, each identity presents its unique style and differences, enriching community dynamics.

Key Words: Virtual world, Sims, Identity, Culture, Society. 

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The project aims to celebrate diversity by exploring makeup as a universal means of self-expression that transcends cultural, racial, and gender boundaries. It seeks to create an inclusive space where individuals from all backgrounds feel empowered to express their unique identities.

Project Strategy, Idea

The project begins with extensive research into makeup and beauty dynamics in both Eastern and Western cultures, analyzing cultural, market, and consumer aspects. Key insights about consumer behavior, cultural norms, and emerging trends are extracted from this research and used to inform brainstorming sessions, where various creative concepts are generated. These concepts explore different themes, visual styles, and storytelling approaches in line with the project's objectives. Selected ideas are refined into concrete concepts, considering feasibility, relevance, and potential impact, and prototypes or mock-ups are developed and tested with target audiences to gather feedback. Throughout the process, cultural sensitivity is maintained by consulting experts and stakeholders to ensure respect for diverse perspectives. Once finalized, the concepts are implemented across relevant channels, such as digital campaigns or experiential activations.

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